Export Timesheets

Use this screen to export timesheets to a labor staging table or payroll staging table, using the values set up in the Timesheet Classes screen for the Labor Distribution and Payroll check boxes.

In most cases, timesheets must be approved before you can export them. However, you have the option to export in-process (unapproved) timesheets for those timesheet classes that are set up to allow it. (See Timesheet Configuration: Export Options and Timesheet Classes: Basic Information for more information.)

The timesheet transaction will remain in these staging tables for pickup, or the export application may call a Transformer that will transform the table entries into a specific ASCII layout.  

For more detailed information about implementing the export process, see Time Configuration: Export Options and review the "Export Time Data" section in the Deltek Time & Expense with ESS Technical Guide.

When do I use the Export Timesheets screen?

Use this screen any time you wish to export timesheet transactions.

Export Timesheets Screen


In Timesheets, select the type of timesheets you want to export: approved timesheets or in-process (not yet approved) timesheets.

If Time & Expense with ESS is not set up to export in-process timesheets, you can only export approved timesheets.

Export Work Schedules

This field will support a salary proration feature in the future release of Costpoint version 6.2. Until this version of Costpoint is released, Export Work Schedules will remain disabled.

To support salary proration, Costpoint 6.2 will include a work schedule. In cases where you do not have direct connectivity between Costpoint and Time & Expense with ESS, it will be necessary to export your work schedule information to Costpoint using a comma delimited file that will contain the company level work schedule data. That file will include the following:


Timesheets grid

The grid in the Timesheets group box displays the timesheet periods for which timesheets exist that are eligible for exporting.

Timesheet Period

The Timesheet Period column lists the timesheet periods for which eligible timesheets exist.

Start Date

The default date in Start Date is the selected timesheet period's starting date. Click the Calendar Lookup button to the right of the field to select a different start date. Only timesheet cell records dated between the starting and ending dates are exported.

End Date

The default date in End Date is the selected timesheet period's ending date. Click the Calendar Lookup button to the right of the field to select a different end date. Only timesheet cell records dated between the start and end dates are exported.

Timesheet Date

The default date in Timesheet Date is the selected timesheet period's ending date. Click the Calendar Lookup button to the right of the field to select a different timesheet date. This date is shown as the timesheet date on the cover page of the Export Timesheets Report.


Batch ID

In Batch ID, enter a unique export batch identifier of up to 10 characters. You cannot enter a previously used batch ID.

The name of the exported file is based on the batch ID.

ADP File Name

In ADP File Name, enter the file name for the payroll file to be exported to ADP.

This field only appears if Time & Expense with ESS is set up to export payroll information to ADP.

Costpoint Company

In Costpoint Company, select the Costpoint company for which you are exporting timesheets.

The Costpoint companies available for selection are those for which the specified type of timesheets (approved or in-process) exist for the selected timesheet period.

This field only appears if the Costpoint Multicompany checkbox is selected in the Miscellaneous tab of the General Configuration screen.

The Costpoint interface allows only one company to be exported at a time.



Select the group type description from the drop-down box. The available employee group types are those for which you are set up as a supervisor.

Once you have selected a group type, the non-editable text box displays the groups that contain employees that have timesheets with the required status and timesheet period.

Click on individual groups to select the groups that you want to include in the export, or click Select All to select all groups.



Classes lists the timesheet classes that contain employees that have timesheets with the required status and timesheet period.

Click on individual timesheet classes to select those that you want to include in the export, or click Select All to select all timesheet classes.

Processing Buttons

When you have entered the timesheet selection information, use the buttons in the bottom-right corner of the screen to complete the export process.


Click Process to collect the timesheet data that will be exported when you click Export. You can then click Preview/Print to print or preview this data.  

When you click Process, Time & Expense with ESS marks timesheets meeting the selection criteria as unavailable so that they cannot be changed while the process is ongoing.

To be included in the export, timesheet cell records must meet these conditions:

Once the records are collected, the program does the following to determine whether they are available for exporting.

If the export timesheets process completes normally, the following message appears: "Process completed successfully."

If processing fails for a batch, all updates are rolled back automatically.


Click Preview/Print to open the Print dialog box, from which you can preview and print the Export Timesheet Report showing the data to be exported.

This button is disabled if you have not clicked Process to select records for export.


Click Export to update the appropriate staging tables with the collected timesheet information. (The Export button is disabled if you have not clicked Process to collect the export information.)  

If you checked the Labor Distribution check box in the Timesheet Classes screen for the selected employee's class, timesheet information is exported to the export labor staging table. Refer to the Deltek Time & Expense with ESS Technical Guide for details on this table.

If you checked the Payroll check box in the Timesheet Classes screen for the selected employee's class, timesheet information is exported to the export payroll staging table. Refer to the Deltek Time & Expense with ESS Technical Guide for details on this table.

In addition to writing records to the staging tables, the export does the following:

If the export process, including the transformation step, finishes normally, the following message appears:  "Export completed successfully."

If the export process finishes normally, timesheets for the current period were exported, and it is not the last period of the schedule, this confirmation message appears: "Export completed successfully. Would you like to close the current period and make the next period the current period?". If you click Yes, the current period is closed and the next period in the schedule is opened.

Ten timesheet exports can run at the same time.  If an eleventh user attempts to run an export, Time & Expense with ESS displays a message indicating that the maximum number as been exceeded and prevents the export from proceeding at that time.


Click Close to close the screen.

If you have clicked Process to collect the data but have not clicked Export to actually export it, the collected information will be cleared.  If the clearing process completes normally, the "Rollback completed successfully." message is displayed.

Print Dialog Box


In Print, select the report you want to print. The available options depend on the timesheet classes you selected. If the classes are configured for labor exports, Labor Distribution is available as an option. If the classes are configured for payroll exports, Payroll is available as an option.


In Type, select the level of detail you want: Detail or Summary.

The labor detail report lists the first six used UDTs, charge descriptions, and cell date and hours for the exported records of each employee. The labor summary report shows the same information summarized at the line level, so there is no hours breakdown by date.

The payroll detail report shows the pay types, payroll codes, payroll earnings code, and hours for the employees and timesheet classes. The payroll summary report does not include the breakdown by employee or timesheet class.


Click Submit to preview the Export Timesheets Report in Adobe Acrobat format. Select the printer icon in Acrobat to print the report.  


Click Cancel to return to the Export Timesheets screen without previewing the report.