Special Topic: Line Level Approval


When it has been enabled, project managers can use the Line Level Approval feature to review, approve, and/or reject specific charge allocations on an expense report, depending on how UDT01/UDT02 is set up. (In addition, the manager's functional role must have the appropriate rights.)  

You can enable or disable this feature in the Line Level Approval field in the Miscellaneous tab of the Expense Configuration screen. The options are:

To have a charge considered in the Line Level Approval process, you must select the Line Level Approve checkbox for the charge in the Basic Information tab of the UDT01 or UDT02 screens.

Expense Report Approval Vs. Line Level Approval

Multiple functional roles can approve an expense report. These approvals represent approvals of the entire expense report, and can be conditional depending on the following factors:

Multiple functional roles can approve individual charge allocations. These approvals can be conditional based on factors such as the following:

How to Initialize Line Level Approval

  1. Approval Options - On the Miscellaneous tab in the Expense Configuration screen, select the Line Level Approval option that best suits your business rules.

  2. Create the appropriate functional roles in the Functional Roles screen  in the General Setup menu by making selections in the following fields for the functional role(s):

  1. Specify which charges need to be approved in the UDT01 or UDT02 screen. Select the Line Level Approve checkbox for those UDT01/UDT02 records that need line approval.

  2. Assign Functional /Project Managers for UDT01/UDT02 records. Open the UDT01and/or UDT02 screens in the General Setup menu. In the Supervisors tab, select the Add Supervisor function to add needed supervisors/project managers with the appropriate functional roles created in the previous step to the appropriate charges.

  3. Configure line level approval as part of Expense Report Types workflow. From the Expense Report Tasks tab, select the Add Task function to access the Add Expense Report Task screen, on which you will need to make selections in the following fields:

How it Works

Let's say that an employee charges expenses to a charge allocation that is configured for line level approval. If the type of expense report has a task for the "Project Manager" to approve expenses and the charge has a "Project Manager" assigned, the system will create a task for the charge allocation. In the workflow, the system creates tasks for any employees who are defined as project managers over the charge and assigns a due date. In addition, the system may also generate e-mails or alerts. When the project manager launches the task from the desktop, he is taken to the expense report. From there, he can go to the Charge Allocation Schedule by showing the supporting schedule or clicking on the hyperlink in the Expense Report screen header. Within the schedule, under the appropriate charge allocation, he can check the appropriate role and select either the Approve or Reject buttons.