Timesheet Classes

Use timesheet classes to associate business rules with certain types of employees. The system supports a virtually unlimited number of timesheet classes; however, a typical company has fewer than 10. Examples of timesheet classes are "Hourly" or "Salary." You assign employees to timesheet classes in the History tab of the Employee Information screen.

When do I use the Timesheet Classes screen?

Use this tabbed form to add, edit, delete, and link items for a timesheet class.

The Timesheet Classes screen tabs

The tabs available in this screen are Basic Information, UDT Options, Regular Hour Rules, OT Hour Rules, UDT10 Links, Leave, and Notifications.

Use the Basic Information tab to provide basic information on the item. Use the UDT Options tab, Regular Hour Rules tab, and OT Hour Rules tab to provide override options for UDTs and hours rules. Use the UDT10 Links tab and Leave tab to link UDT10s and leave types to the class, and use the Notifications tab to maintain the notifications given to employees of the class.

You cannot delete a timesheet class if is being used on a timesheet line or within an employee history record, or has been set up as the default timesheet class in the Time Configuration screen. You also cannot delete a timesheet class if it has assigned leave types.


If you are running Costpoint version 5.0, set up the timesheet class in the Employee Class screen in Costpoint Employee. If you are running Costpoint version 4.0, set up the timesheet class in the Employee Class screen in Costpoint Labor. 



Set up the Timesheet Class in the Payroll * Human Resources module. Select Employee. From there, select the Employee Time & Expense menu from the General tab.